Home > Kanjani8 > Kanjani8 members visit Hiroshima town for crime prevention class

Kanjani8 members visit Hiroshima town for crime prevention class

16:55 JST July 16, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

Kanjani8 members Shingo Murakami and Tadayoshi Okura helped out a how-to-stay-safe class for families on July 15, reports Sankei News.


It has been reported Hiroshima police department had invited the two to teach local children about how to stay safe during their summer holidays while also promoting their upcoming film “Eight Ranger”.  After 2000 fans and families gathered to the event in Fuchu town, they cheered on Murakami and Okura, who came out in their Eight Ranger costumes.


The two picked out give lucky schoolchildren from the crowd, and they played a series of quizzes designed to teach children things like shouting out when they felt threatened, or not to follow strangers.  It has been reported the two Johnny’s talents asked all of the parents in the crowd to look after their children over the holidays, and to go see their Eight Ranger movie together.


It has been reported the event had been organized by film company Toho, local shopping centre Aeon Mall, and local police.